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Earn CrazyPoints with our Reward Program!

At CrazySales, the more you buy, the more you save! With our CrazyPoints reward program, we reward our customers' loyalty. Every dollar you spend at CrazySales earns you a CrazyPoint, and the more CrazyPoints you earn, the bigger the discount you'll receive on your future CrazySales purchases.

All you need to do is sign in and buy at CrazySales. That's it. You don't need to sign up and pay for any special programs: just complete a transaction and the points will automatically be added to your account. You can save your accumulated CrazyPoints for up to two years before spending them, and you can spend them on any applicable product on CrazySales.


Frequently Asked Questions

• What are CrazyPoints?

As a customer at CrazySales.com.au, every dollar you spend (not including shipping costs) will earn you 1 CrazyPoint. CrazyPoints are bonus points that save you even more on future purchases! At checkout, simply redeem the points you have earned for further discounts. Earn enough points and get items for FREE!

Currently 1,000 CrazyPoints is equal to AUD $10.
(Your CrazyPoints) x 0.010 = AUD$ Value

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• How do I earn CrazyPoints?

CrazyPoints are credited to your account automatically for every successfully completed transaction. If you've ordered and paid for anything on CrazySales, you've already earned CrazyPoints.

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• How do I redeem CrazyPoints?

You can use CrazyPoints to purchase almost anything you want in our store. Simply redeem the CrazyPoints during the checkout process in order to get a further discount. Or, if you have enough CrazyPoints, you will be able to get the items you want for FREE!

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• Do CrazyPoints expire?

Your unused CrazyPoints expire in 24 months.
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• What's the dollar value of 1,000 CrazyPoints?

Currently, 1,000 CrazyPoints is worth AUD $10 at CrazySales.com.au. To calculate what your current CrazyPoints are worth, multiply them by 0.010.
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• Is there a limit to how many CrazyPoints I can earn?

No! Every member can earn unlimited CrazyPoints!
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• Can I transfer my CrazyPoints to another person?

Unfortunately the points are not directly transferable, but you can use your CrazyPoints towards one of our Gift Vouchers.
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• Will I earn CrazyPoints for my delivery and handling fees?

Sorry, your delivery and handling fees are excluded when calculating the amount of CrazyPoints you'll earn.
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• What happens to my CrazyPoints if I have an item refunded?

If an item is refunded, the CrazyPoints you'd earned by purchasing that product will be deducted from your account. If an item is purchased by using CrazyPoints in conjunction with any other kind of payment, we will refund the money and CrazyPoints you have used.


An item is $13 + $3 (Delivery and Handling Fee) = Total Amount of $16.

You have used 1000 CrazyPoints (Value = $10) to get $10 discount, so total amount now is $6. Then you paid $6 to purchase this item.

You have earned 3 CrazyPoints. (As Delivery and Handling Fee is excluded when calculating the amount of points earned)

To refund this item, you will have 3 CrazyPoints deducted from your account, but will have $6 refunded plus 1000 CrazyPoints back to you.

For other question(s) which isn't listed above, please email our customer service team at info@crazysales.com.au — our customer service

team will be happy to assist you.

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