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BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware

BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Bes

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https://www.crazysales.com.au/online-bad-dog-bite-game-toy-fun-kids-cute-funny-tricky-vicious-besegad-beware-276177.html Array
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  • $24.95


  • BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware
  • BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware
  • BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware
  • BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware
  • BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware
  • BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware


BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware BAD DOG Bite Game Toy Fun Kids Cute Funny Tricky Vicious Besegad beware

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  • Exciting and InterestingMix the cards together and put them in the bowl in front of the dog. The player chooses a card and needs to use a clip to remove the corresponding bone from the dog bowl. You can also hear the dog barking, which is very exciting and interesting
  • How to PlayFirst, press the dog?s body down, then put it on the head and turn it to the right until it makes a slight click sound to make it appear a sleeping position. The possible bones are mixed well and placed in the dog?s rice bowl, then gently push the dog?s rice bowl on the right side of the setch to the right to turn on the power.Use toe tweezers to remove the dogs pelvic bone. If the bone is taken out during the process of waking up the dog, the dog will suddenly stand up
  • Fun and AmazingThis toy is super fun and amazing for group entertainment games. The fierce simulation makes you feel excited and nervous in the game
  • Child DevelopmentTo improve children?s hand-eye coordination in the case of nerve entanglement. Toys suitable for parents and children to play and improve reaction speed.
  • Interactive ToyThe toy is good for parent-child interaction, it can not only enhance the relationship between parents and children, but also give the baby another opportunity to express themselves.

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